Advertising - from concepts to copy to media placement

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Aureal's A3D was a 3D audio technology used by hundreds of game titles.  But how do explain 3D audio in a print ad? 

<This is how





Liquid Audio delivered music over the Internet before anyone ever heard of iTunes.

These ads ran in industry pubs such as Billboard, Cashbox, and Radio & Records







Digidesign's flagship product, Protools, was very powerful but also difficult to explain to newbies.

It consists of lot of audio applications built into the one product...which is why the 'puzzle' analogy worked so well.  (This was way before everyone started using the puzzle analogy!)

Aureal Ad PDF - Advertising and Marketing are more powerful when used together. Aureal teamed up with many major game titles to spread the word about A3D. And it really spread fast, taking market share away from the 800-pound Gorilla (a sound card company that shall remain nameless, for now)

Aureal Vortex Sound Card Ad

ShoreTel Based Their Reputation on Customer Satisfaction. So instead of Voice over IP, I created Satisfaction Over IP

ShoreTel Based Their Reputation on Customer Satisfaction. So instead of Voice over IP, I created Satisfaction Over IP

A Series of ShoreTel Ads Tied Into Each Type of Business